The partnership

The project involves an appropriate mix of participating organisations in terms of profile, past experience in international projects and expertise to successfully complete all project objectives.
The consortium composition results in a dynamic, focused and strategically balanced group between organisations active in the field of human rights education, digital literacy and civic education.



CIFA was founded in 1980 as an organization involved in international adoptions. In the early 2000s it opened its own offices for international cooperation and human rights education, through which it expanded its activities in the fields of fields of environmental protection, support for schooling, and the fight against discrimination. In Italy the issues most urgent and relevant to CIFA’s priorities and work are educational poverty, the challenges of the school system but also the difficulties of families that often fail to educate or provide young people with tools for growth, analysis and interrelation with society and its challenges.
In recent years (2017-2020), CIFA has participated in projects on education for global citizenship education that have certainly realised a turning point in CIFA’s planning in Italy, especially with reference to Global Citizenship Education, also taking into account that the organisation has been coordinating since 2016 the GCE-Global Campaign on Education network that promotes in Italy the capital importance of the right to education.
These projects (especially #IoRispetto, Young Narrators, #SOStenibilmente, Hate Trackers) have also helped to structure the CIFA’s strategy in the field of ECG, identifying anti-discrimination and education for sustainable development as the main axes of interest for CIFA. sustainable development as the main axes of interest for future interventions in this field.

For more information, you can visit



“Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center (HFC) is an Independent, International and Humanitarian Organization based in Nicosia, Cyprus founded on the principle of promoting and protecting the rights of children, on the standards of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and European Union Law.
HFC is the largest non-profit organization in Cyprus in the field of child protection, employing approximately 110 professionals, including social workers, youth workers, psychologist, lawyers, educators, trainers, project managers, administrative staff etc. HFC implements multifaceted humanitarian programs related to the promotion of children’s rights, prioritizing their wellbeing, their education and the prevention of any kind of violence against children, as well as providing psychosocial and legal support.

The Humanitarian Division of HFC is currently operating two shelters and semi-independent living residencies for unaccompanied children, the foster care program and the Children’s House which provides a safe environment for sexually abused children. The Research and Development Department of the Organisation has been conducting research and implementing various programmes through HFC’s participation either as a coordinator of European and international projects or as a partner. The department is in direct contact with our target group and general public through capacity-building activities (training, seminars, workshops, internships and volunteering programmes), awareness raising and dissemination activities (high-level conferences and other public events).

For more information, you can visit



KMOP, established in 1977, is one of the oldest civil society organisations in Greece offering social support services and implementing various programs aimed at empowering and enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities. In recent years, KMOP has expanded its reach globally, currently having a presence in 5 countries and permanent offices in Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Brussels, Skopje, and Tirana.

KMOP is dedicated to addressing social challenges through evidence-based solutions that promote individual and collective prosperity. Our focus is on designing and executing innovative social services that enhance individual self-worth, reduce inequality, and foster inclusive and sustainable social development.

Over the past 20 years, we have successfully carried out more than 400 social innovation initiatives with the support of both institutional and private donors. Our efforts have directly benefited over 85,000 individuals.

For more information, you can visit



IDEE IN FUGA is a social cooperative working for social inclusion of disadvantaged people and minorities to include them in the society and give them dignity trough the work, promoting their health and social condition. We want to train responsible leaders by giving them the tools to be promoters of a change that is necessary today, and accompany them in the development of sustainable projects.
IDEE IN FUGA carries out research and social promotion in order to produce information to support the decision-making system of its members and to create social models that can be replicated throughout the country.
In particular, our activities focus on the following areas of research and social promotion:
technology and communications, youth, gender equality, circular Economy, immigration and intercultural relations, social exclusion, territorial welfare
IDEE IN FUGA Research and Social Promotion activities:
organisation of educational and training activities (both in presence and online) for different target groups (youth, young employers, disadvantaged people…), promotion of international cooperation to promote the reduction of inequalities, promotion of innovative methodologies for the management of social problems, promotion of intercultural dialogue, support to PAs and non-profit organisations for the development of socio-economic research in the area.

We want, thanks to our organization, feed the feeling of European citizenship based on the principles of solidarity, nondiscrimination, equal opportunities, respect for the human person and social inclusion. We finally affirm the right to culture, education and lifelong learning with a view to transnational cooperation.
IDEE IN FUGA boasts a network of about 10 professionals with cross-cutting skills and experience related to different sectors.

For more information, you can visit



Fundacion Fad Juventud is a Spanish, non profit, private institution. The purpose of Fad Juventud is to improve the welfare and quality of life of young people, as the protagonist of the present and the architect of the future. To achieve this, Fad Juventud ANALYSES, ACTS AND INFLUENCES everything that affects the development of young people:
ANALYSES the youth universe, monitors it, detects risks and opportunities, and anticipates trends.
ACTS in Spain and Latin America through educational projects and training programmes; awareness-raising campaigns; and information and guidance services.
INFLUENCES youth directly or indirectly through their families, their school environment and their community; through public opinion and public policies.

Fad Juventud focuses on their health and well-being; employment and empowerment; education and digital citizenship; and gender and values. We generate social impact and opportunities for youth through partnerships and projects with companies, non-governmental organisations and the public sector. Fad Juventud is committed to continue working tirelessly to make youth: Less vulnerable to risks; More emotionally healthy and balanced; More visible, active and vocal; More prepared for digital citizenship and with more job opportunities; More proactive in their learning and with greater critical capacity; More committed to citizenship and equality; More integrated in contexts free of violence.
All of this follows the principles that inspire Fad Juventud and in which we believe: JUSTICE, SOLIDARITY, SUSTAINABILITY, ETHICS, EQUITY and INCLUSION, always within the framework of the SDGs and Human Rights.

For more information, you can visit