The project
The project wants to promote active citizenship and young people’s (aged 14-25) sense of initiative by preventing and combat online hate speech but wants also to promote common values and civic engagement by promoting equality across genders and cultural backgrounds.
This focus allows the project to touch upon intolerance, racism, xenophobia and discrimination against Roma, religious minorities, migrants, persons of colour and people of African descent. In addition, the project will be implemented taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the online hate speech phenomenon.
By teaching youths about hate speech dynamics and ways to counter them, #HateTrackers crucially aims at developing youngsters’ critical thinking skills when faced with hate speech online and wants also to sensitise youths on the psychological consequences of hate speech for both perpetrators and victims, teaching non-violent and non-hateful ways of responding to it, in order to break the cycle of online hatred.
The general objective of the project is to combat racism and discrimination in their online expression of hate speech by equipping youths, youth organizations and citizens’ committees with the competences necessary to recognize and act against such human rights violations.
This objective, being the project implemented in Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Spain will impact in countries experiencing first-hand situation of hate speech due to their population composition and where the political approach and actions toward online hate speech are different.
So, the achievement of this objective will contribute to the creation of an EU network in order to foster the international cooperation in the field and to promote a continuous exchange of best practices.
Considering this, our specific objectives are to:

Provide young people with useful tools that can help them dealing with on-line hate speech/bystanders/even as victims and become a more active and engaged citizens.
Encourage and strengthen transnational cooperation among the participating organizations and support their staff’s capacity building on how to tackle online hate speech and discrimination through joint training with the use of non-formal and formal education methodologies.
Explore and share experiences, tools and methods among the partners in order for both direct participants and organisations to get new insights and knowledge on HRE, and gain social, intercultural, critical thinking competences for a more inclusive education, training and youth field.
Create a cross sectoral sustainable network of SGUs (Semiological Guerrilla Units) and activists who will be trained to counteract actively hate speech episodes both online and offline.
The context of the project